40 in a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a(n) ____ line.
Solution : 17) Option (A) Focus is the right answer. Explanation : In a sequence diagram, The Focus is referred to when an object sends or receives a message and is identified by a narrow vertical shape that covers the lifeline. Therefore, Option (A)… View the full answer In a sequence diagram, a _____ represents the time during which an object above it is able to interact with the other objects in the use case. a. focus point b. schematic matrix c. lifeline d. validity link
Sequence Diagram is an interaction diagram that details how operations are carried out -- what messages are sent and when. Sequence diagrams are organized according to time. The time progresses as you go down the page. The objects involved in the operation are listed from left to right according to when they take part in the message sequence.

In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a(n) ____ line.
OOAD MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers) 1. Abstraction has ______ types. 2. To hide the internal implementation of an object we use …. 3. The vertcal dimension of a sequence diagram shows. 4. CRC approach and noun phrase approach are used to identify …. The UML represents an object as a(n) ____ with the object name at the top, ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. The UML represents an object as a(n) ____ with the object name at the top, ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. A) solid
In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a(n) ____ line.. In a class diagram, each class appears as a(n) ____, with the class name at the top, followed by the class's attributes and methods. rectangle In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. Lifeline: The lifetime of an object in a sequence diagram is denoted by a dotted vertical line. Iteration: Some messages may be sent multiple times. Iteration is denoted by a box around the iterated messages and an iteration marker *[…] which explains the iteration condition. A(n) ____ defines specific tasks that an object can perform. ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. A sequence diagram is structured in such a way that it represents a timeline which begins at the top and descends gradually to mark the sequence of interactions. Each object has a column and the messages exchanged between them are represented by arrows. A Quick Overview of the Various Parts of a Sequence Diagram. Lifeline Notation
A class can belong to a more general category called a(n) ____. superclass ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a(n) ____ line. In a sequence diagram, a(n) lifeline is identified by a line showing direction that runs between two objects. False. Lifelines – A lifeline is a named element which depicts an individual participant in a sequence diagram. So basically each instance in a sequence diagram is represented by a lifeline. Lifeline elements are located at the top in a sequence diagram. The standard in UML for naming a lifeline follows the following format – Instance Name : Class ... In most sequence diagrams, however, the UML 1.x “in-line” guard is not sufficient to handle the logic required for a sequence being modeled. This lack of functionality was a problem in UML 1.x. UML 2 has addressed this problem by removing the “in-line” guard and adding a notation element called a Combined Fragment.
All objects within a(n) ____ share common attributes and methods. ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. Rating: 5 · 1 review In a sequence diagram a lifeline is identified by a. This preview shows page 5 - 8 out of 11 pages. 40. In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. a. solid c. b. dashed d. curved ANS: B. MULTIPLE RESPONSE Modified Multiple Choice 1. A(n) _____ graphically documents a use case by showing the classes, the messages, ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a _____ line. In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. dashed. A(n) ____ is a specific member of a class. instance. Your red Mustang is a(n) ____ ...
The UML represents an object as a(n) ____ with the object name at the top, ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line. A) solid
The UML represents an object as a(n) ____ with the object name at the top, ... In a sequence diagram, a lifeline is identified by a ____ line.

Undervaluation Of Uml Diagrams And An Introduction To Sequence Diagrams With Functional Example By Nandini Gupta Medium
OOAD MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions Answers) 1. Abstraction has ______ types. 2. To hide the internal implementation of an object we use …. 3. The vertcal dimension of a sequence diagram shows. 4. CRC approach and noun phrase approach are used to identify ….
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